
Hands-free, upright, "fall-safe" mobility.
Like a walker, unlike a walker. The only walking aid that will keep you from falling even if you lose your grip or footing.
Real impact, real users.

Friedreich Ataxia
Shandra | Gainesville, FL
I’m a PhD student with FA, a degenerative disease; the LifeGlider will keep me walking.

Securing the center of gravity is the secret to the LifeGlider.

Congenital Hydrocephalus
Breanna | Pawnee, IL
Life-changing for mother and daughter with CP

Lana | Dublin, Ireland
I went from being a full-time wheelchair user to walking with the LifeGlider!

Multiple System Atrophy
Sarah | Yokosuka, Japan
My dad walked me down the aisle, thanks to the LifeGlider